Jason Bankston

Sep 15, 20173 min



My name is Jason Bankston and I am trying this new approach of communication and being able to keep information in one spot. Daily I think of things I would like to do and how I would do them. Most never come to fruition but the ideas continue to swirl in my head and evolve to new ideas.

I hope to use this source as a way to give value to others based on books I am reading, podcasts I am listening to, ideas I think about, or whatever is happening in my everyday life. This could come in the form of words, videos, or links to the information. I hope that somehow this inspires you and others to continue to evolve and work and change to be the best you can be at whatever it is that stokes your passions and goals in life.

My thought for today--NEVER GIVE UP!!

As you may find out soon enough, I am currently in training to do an Ironman race. This consist of 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run in one day in less than 17 hours. You may think to yourself this dude is absolutely insane. I think of it as a challenge. I have run 10 marathons and numerous half-marathons, adventure races, and 5ks. I have done 2 Half-Ironman's as well as sprint and Olympic distance triathlons. I am doing this to continue to challenge and push myself in every aspect of my life. I want to remain fit physically as well as mentally. I believe these challenges prepare me physically, mentally, and emotionally for all the different challenges that face each of us. I know there are more daring and difficult challenges but baby steps bro, baby steps!

Well this past weekend my training called for a Half-Ironman which means I am supposed to do 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and a 13.1 mile run. Yeah, that's right, it was just training! Well, anyway I did the swim and then the bike and was about 8 miles into the run. I felt great! I was thinking to myself this is a great day to be alive! I got this training in the bag and then, well, the WALL hit me hard. I started to crash and burn. I was thinking what the hell am I doing out here? Why am I putting myself through this torture? It is hot, like 102 degrees F hot! I was low on water and the hills seemed like mountains. I thought, here I am struggling with this Half Distance training and my race is for twice the distance. How in the HELL am I going to do the full Ironman distance?

This is where the mental preparation comes in. I keep telling myself it is only as hot as I believe it is. I am lucky to be out here running when others cannot. Part of being able to move forward is learning from the struggles. I told myself this is an opportunity to learn how to improve, not an opportunity to look for excuses of why I was not better. I did finish that training. The last 3 miles took me 30 minutes but I finished. I learned that 1. I need more water when training on a hot day like that. Never trust the weather channel again. Prepare for the worst and expect the best. 2. I feel how I tell myself I feel. Of course, it was blistering hot, but I just told myself, you feel great. I invite this pain and misery because it will only make me stronger. 3. It is a great day to be alive! HELL, I could be laid up in the bed and not able to do these challenges. 4. NEVER GIVE UP! If life was easy everyone would be great at it. It does not matter how fast you cross the finish line. What matters is actually crossing the finish line! I know I can do better, and I will. I will take what I have learned from this day and apply it to the next training day and I know I will be better.

I like to share videos sometimes that helps explain how I feel or what I mean. Take a listen and I hope somehow this inspires you to NEVER GIVE UP!


Until next time, NEVER GIVE UP! I hope you enjoyed!
